ブログを始める理由 Reason I start blogging





言い換えれば、常にどこにいても自分に自信がなく、自信のなさが、人生を非常に苦痛なものにして います。



The number one reason I decided to start this blog is that if anyone in this world has same or similar situation as mine, I really want to share my experience with those people.

For long time I always thought my pain is not worth full and I just need to keep it in myself without speaking up, but these days I start feeling my pain is not trash.

My struggling with my life can’t be described briefly but if I have to say it simply,

For my whole life i have always wondered that I might have some brain disabilities or ADHD.

if I say it differently, for my whole life i have been living with extreme low self esteem and that is killing my feeling everyday.

I want to write more specific thoughts and struggling on other days.

(sorry my english is not good enough so you can see some grammar mistakes but plz don’t mind so much.)